Orthopädisches Therapie Zentrum, Dr. Kurt Schöppe
Praxisklinik für Orthopädie
Dr. med. Kurt Schöppe - Prof. Dr. K.-P. Schulitz
Rochusstraße 289 - 53123 Bonn-Duisdorf

Tel.: 0228 3863060
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Bei Rückenschmerzen hilft Dr. Kurt Schöppe, Orthopäde in Bonn-Bad Godesberg
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Operation Bandscheibenvorfall Dr. Schöppe, Bonn Rückenschmerzen - Operation?, Orthopäde Dr. Kurt Schöppe in Bonn Bad Godesberg hilft Godesberger Therapie Zentrum, Dr. Kurt Schöppe
Orthopädie in Bonn, Dr. Schöppe

What is a herniated disk?

A defect vertebral disk cannot buffer anymore the high mechanical stress. This causes pain which again leads to protection and inactivity. This again weakens the back muscles which strengthen and stabilize the spinal cord. Due to to the lack of the protective function of the deep muscles, the nucleus pulposus has to evade the higher pressure caused by a partial strain e.g. lifting - especially in combination with a rotational movement. The defect annulus fibrosus also cannot hold the nucleus pulposus anylonger in its center and will be pushed towards the outside, mostly towards the spinal channel and the roots of the nerves.


If the the annulus fibrosus stays intact, it is a protrusion of the vertebral disk. However, if the annulus fibrosus breaks, then it is a prolapse of the vertebral disk.

The nucleus pulposus now tightens the space in the vertebral canal and the vertebral foramina. This causes pressure on the marrow or a vertebral foramen. Depending on the size of the herniated disk, the particular spinal nerve causes pain. And also: as bigger the the prolapse is as more pain is radiated into the back, later into the buttom, the legs and the feet.

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Endoscopic removal of herniated disk

It is a closed, percutaneous surgery with the goal to remove the misplaced or torn off nucleus pulposus.


A local anesthesia is needed for this treatment.

Herniated disk
The nerve is pinched
Endoscopic removal of the herniated disk
After the removal the basis is freshed up
A healthy blood circulation is started
The annulus fibrosus cures within 6 weeks after the surgery

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The healing

The adjacent vertebral body is freshened up by a special technique after removing the degenerative, extruded tissue of the nucleus pulposus. New tissue grows within 3 to 5 weeks! This healing if the vertebral disk can be demonstrated by nuclear sin tomography 3 month after the surgery.

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Advantages of a endoscopic vertebral disk surgery

  • conservative treatment
  • better healing of the ripped vertebral disk
  • no big scarring
  • comfortable local anesthesia
  • the patient can painlessly walk two hours after the surgery
  • the patient can go home one day after the surgery
  • fast return to the normal activities
  • a very low relapse rate
  • very low risk rate

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Therapy Center for Pain Relief
Pain therapy
Basics about the spine
Herniated disk
Deformation of the feet

Orthopäde Dr. Kurt Schöppe in Bonn Bad Godesberg
Rückenschmerzen kurieren im GTZ von Dr. Kurt Schöppe
Orthopäde Dr. Kurt Schöppe in Bonn Bad Godesberg Bandscheibenoperation bei Dr. Schöppe
Godesberger Therapie Zentrum, Dr. Kurt Schöppe
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